Power Washing at its Finest
Mobile Power Washing Services
Fleet Power Washing Services
Heavy Equipment
Railroad Cars
Car Service Companies
Commercial Power Washing Services
Building Exteriors
Roof Washing
Parking Garages / Loading Docks
Lots / Drives / Sidewalks
Cement / Brick / Siding / Metal / Wood
Shipping Containers & Garbage Cans
Residential Power Washing Services
Siding / Roofs / Windows / Stairs
Patios / Garages / Porches / Sheds
Lots / Driveways / Sidewalks
Vehicles / Tractors / Equipment

Clean. Quality. Local.
We’re here to help your fleet thrive
Rocket Power Washing offers an array of services that include interior and exterior Fleet Washing all year round. Our services are delivered at the customer’s location of choice making it easier and less costly than the alternative. We pride ourselves on delivering great power washing service and our ability to work hard for any customer!
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “What are the best power washing companies near me?” then you are in the right place. We provide the best power washing services with quality and efficiency.

Roll Over Your Obstacles
Identify your needs
We tailor a custom package to your
specific requirements.
We Come To YOU
Our team serves you at your chosen location,
keeping convenience at a maximum with our mobile power washing services.
Get Back On the Road
Our hassle-free system gets you rolling
quickly and efficiently with a clean truck and fleet.

Find a Custom Power Washing Plan for Your Fleet Business
Sleeper Cab Cleaning
Starting at $30 per
Company Car Cleaning
Starting at $12 per
Trailer Cleaning
Starting at $25 per
Meet Our Power Team.
Garshawn Paynther
Owner / Account Manager
Mike Norman
President of Operations
Thomas Norman
Operations Manager